
Check out some of the latest news shared by Pilam chapters. Featured chapters: WVU, St. John’s, Hofstra, Eastern Washington U, Western Carolina, and RPI.  West Virginia - WV Mu Took a Polar Plunge for Ukraine WVU brothers teamed up with the university’s Russian and East European Club to...

Wayne Au, Jr. ’68 - New Mexico Highlands University I joined Pilam at Ohio State. I had heard of George Beck but never got to meet him. When I transferred to New Mexico Highlands University, I become friends with a small group that played cards at...

The Roanoke chapter recently hosted legendary basketball coach Ken Carter in partnership with Pi Lambda Phi and the university’s Center for Leadership and Entrepreneurial Innovation (CLEI). Portrayed by Samuel Jackson in the 2005 movie “Coach Carter” as a hard-nosed disciplinarian, the brothers saw the real...

With Pi Lambda Phi’s proud history of inclusion and equality, it’s not surprising that our brothers were instrumental in the integration of fraternities in the civil rights era. Dr. John Leeke ’61, Indiana State University, and David Temple ’69, University of Virginia, recently shared their...