Help us develop lifelong leaders – Support the Leadership Institute 

In 2024, the Educational Foundation has committed our support to one of the most impactful programs for chapter and undergraduate success and longevity — the Pilam Leadership Institute

The Leadership Institute has proven that it can effectively teach leadership qualities to chapter leaders that reinforce the success of their chapters. Unlike classroom or lecture-based learning, the institute takes an immersive, hands-on approach to teaching the principles of good leadership that will help brothers build stronger Pilam chapters. 

Why the Leadership Institute is so effective

The Institute is a four-day crash course administered by trained alumni volunteers, professional staff, and experienced facilitators. At the conclusion of the institute, participants will graduate with improved skills that they can apply within their Chapters and in their own lives. Read the 2023 highlights.

This program’s team building and interactive exercises have proven to be more engaging and effective than classroom-based learning. 

Please support the Leadership Institute

Supporting the Leadership Institute is one of the best ways to prepare our undergraduate brothers for the leadership challenges that Fraternities face today, and ensure the longevity of Pi Lambda Phi. 

Please help us to educate a new generation of Pilam brothers, so they can continue our proud tradition of “Not Four Years, but a Lifetime.”