Foundation grant provides life skills training to Undergraduates

Practical experience is learned through education, life experiences, and sometimes mistakes. In most cases, when you make a mistake; you learn from it, and try not to repeat it.

But in a Fraternity on a college campus, one bad decision can escalate from a mistake to unforeseen consequences… a chapter on probation, suspension, or closed… individual injury, or even tragedy. We’ve all seen the news stories.

It’s a tightrope of decision-making and risk management that today’s young fraternity men inevitably walk.

Providing context about real-life college situations.

Pi Lambda Phi actively seeks out solutions and educational platforms to help our undergraduate members navigate the day-to-day challenges they face.

What sets the Fraternity experience apart from academic learning is opportunity. The opportunity to provide practical education to members through its professional staff, consultants, alumni, and the collective knowledge of the organization.

To better prepare our undergraduate chapters, the Fraternity submitted a grant to the Foundation for an educational program to help members make better decisions, manage risk, and succeed organizationally and as individuals.

Foundation grant provides the means for informed decision-making.

The Foundation provided a $20,000 grant to the Fraternity to ensure every undergraduate member has access to online, peer-to-peer, and in-person education that will assist in informed decision-making.

The selected program, known as Tightrope, has been adopted by over 25 national organizations, and will also help to reduce the risk and liability costs to our undergraduates with our insurance provider.

The Fraternity experience should be enjoyable and productive. We believe this program will allow chapters to navigate their risk challenges so they can focus on growth, new member development, socialization, and the other rewarding aspects of successful chapters.


Article written by Shawn Mahoney (Temple University ’92)